Quadaroba (rosso, blu, verde opale, giallo)
Welded mesh, pulver coated steel, lemons in the net
Diverse sizes

Quaderna, Sunah Choi & Marcus Weber, after the butcher, Berlin, 2019

The artist places poles stretching vertically from floor to ceiling in both exhibition spaces. They come coated in either red, blue, opal green or yellow, reminiscent of the ergonomic pole grips found on buses and trains. These are, first and foremost, simple sculptural elements which lend the space an intuitive rhythm, while also, making reference to the logic of color coding. In various way they transcend the utilitarian color codes of urban planners: in this reduced scheme, the poles are individual and singular. Pieces of metal fence mesh, in various sizes, have been attached to two of the poles. By cutting round, organic shapes out of the inner grid, creating a series of “second order holes”. The green pole is the closest thing to a pure basic form. From a yellow pole hang lemons in an ordinary plastic supermarket net.

Photos: Uwe Walter

Quadaroba (rosso, blu, verde opale)  

Quadaroba (rosso, blu, verde opale)  

Quadaroba (rosso), Detail  

Quadaroba (rosso)  

Quadaroba (rosso, blu)  

Quadaroba (blu), Detail   

Quadaroba (blu), Detail  

Quadaroba (verde opale), Detail   

Quadaroba (rosso, blu, verde opale, giallo)

Quadaroba (giallo)  

Quadaroba (giallo), Detail

Quadaroba (giallo), Straßen Monochrom