Powder coated steel, rope, video projection as loop
3 variations, each 210 x 52 x 1,5 cm / 196 x 62 x 1,5 cm / 180 x 74 x 1,5 cm
Karo, Sunah Choi, Edition Block, Berlin, 2020
The point of departure for the work is artist´s longstanding preoccupation with the motif of the window as a sculptural element, as well as with the design and function of window grilles, as they have been used for centuries in different cultures. They combine functional – protection against break in or break out – and decorative aspects, geometric and floral forms. Seven rhombic elements hang freely in space on robes, each differing in the angular sizes of the rhombuses and the density of the grating. Organically shaped omissions were milled into the geometric grids, which were inserted at a slight angle into the frames. The shapes of these omissions are based on fallen leaves that the artist has collected and carefully archived. Two projections cast differently colored light onto opposite walls – and thus also the shadows of the grid structures, which appear in different sizes and orientations. A computer-generated video simulates the lighting conditions of a day by recreating the colors of light, whereby the course of the day was reduced from 12 hours to a few minutes.

Photo: Uwe Walter